The logitech has recently launched its top end speaker Z906 5.1 in India they are priced at Rs 29,990 but you can get them at Rs 14000-Rs18000. These speakers really give gud sound and have lot of contol options but these have got bug. My speaker also had bug, many of other guys are having same bug.
The speakers often donot give output. The contro pod has got some problem with it. The three input lights 4,5 and aux get on all together and speakers donot give any output. This turn ur top end model into garbage. The problem stays even after factory resets. the speakers are masters of themselves. They work when they wish. also when they work the control pod hangs after 15-20 mins of use, lights gets steady but still contol pod works and if u try to restart same bug appears. The speakers get on by themselves even when u turn them off......
I have sent my speakers to service centre, what odd is service centres are available at few places and its realyy annoying to repack and courier these speakers to service centre.....
Logitech has created garbage.... really not acceptable from such expensive speakers!!!
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The speakers often donot give output. The contro pod has got some problem with it. The three input lights 4,5 and aux get on all together and speakers donot give any output. This turn ur top end model into garbage. The problem stays even after factory resets. the speakers are masters of themselves. They work when they wish. also when they work the control pod hangs after 15-20 mins of use, lights gets steady but still contol pod works and if u try to restart same bug appears. The speakers get on by themselves even when u turn them off......
I have sent my speakers to service centre, what odd is service centres are available at few places and its realyy annoying to repack and courier these speakers to service centre.....
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i'm having problems too, after 8 months of having the speakers the last week it starts to fail, each time that i turn them on i have to make 4 or 5 factory resets to get them work, they work well but each time i turn them off an on again the problems are back, no sound of the woofer or sound in only a pair of speakers or not sound at all. it's not a cheap toy so i'm very disapointed